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Mobile Developer

Mobile Developer Using AI with Internship

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Amp up your skills to meet the demands of this rapidly-evolving industry. Get the technical knowledge and hands-on experience you need to tackle real-world challenges.

With this 62-week diploma program, you’ll go through comprehensive development courses such as Web Development Fundamentals, Design & Development Fundamentals, and Mobile Development. On top of those, you will also take preparatory classes, namely Student Success Strategies and Career Management, to help yourself succeed not only as a student but even as a job seeker.

You will embark on fundamental courses covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Linux up to UI/UX Design, Version Control and Collaboration, Swift Development, and Java Development. Consolidate your studies with mobile and web capstone projects, which allow you to integrate and apply all the concepts you have learned to build a real-world mobile and web app that you can showcase to potential employers.

Duration: 62 Weeks

Included Courses

  • Android Development
  • Career Management
  • Graphical Design
  • HTML and CSS
  • iOS Development
  • Java Development
  • JavaScript
  • Linux Web Hosting and Wordpress
  • Mobile Developer Internship
  • Student Success Strategies
  • Swift Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Version Control and Collaboration

Career Opportunities

Upon completion of this Mobile Developer program, you can qualify for the following positions:

-Web Programmer
-Application Programmer
-Internet Site Designer
-iPhone Programmer
-Android Programmer/Developer

Industry Salary Information

Average Wage ($/hr) – $45.00
High Wage ($/hr) – $62.00

Program Requirements

You must:

have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent
be at least 18 years old when or before the program begins AND pass a qualifying test that has been approved by the Superintendent.* (The approved qualifying test for this program is the Wonderlic test with a passing score of 20.)

* If you’re applying from other Canadian provinces, you must:

be at least 19 years old,
be out of high school for at least 1 year when the program starts, and
successfully pass an academic achievement test.

Please contact us for more details regarding admissions requirements if you are an international student.

Personality Assessment

Find out what your personality is like and discover your traits, worries & concerns about taking the next step to study at school towards a new and rewarding career. This quick and easy assessment will provide you with some insight into what to focus on and what you might need to watch out for to best prepare you for your new career and school goals!

Take Assessment

Financial Aid

Let us help you take care of your education goals by introducing the financial services that are available to you. There are multiple financial aid options available to help you pursue an education. Explore the various funding plans and see which one fits your needs best.
Fill out the form NOW!

Employment Ontario and Better Jobs Ontario

The Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development administers programs such as Better Jobs Ontario to assist individuals who are unemployed or who have qualified for Employment Insurance. Students may qualify for post-secondary education financing through Better Jobs Ontario or other programs managed through Employment Ontario, and our staff can help guide you to the nearest agency.

Windmill Microlending

This partnership with a registered charity enables skilled immigrants and refugees to apply for a microloan of up to $15,000 to obtain the Canadian licensing or training required to continue their careers in Canada. Empowering newcomers to achieve economic prosperity, microloans can help internationally-trained immigrants afford the education or training they need to have a better chance at career success. For more information fill out the Form Now !

Monthly Payment Plan

A monthly payment plan can be arranged to suit your needs. Tuition and material costs are divided into monthly payments throughout your program. The first payment is due on the first day of classes, and the final payment is due approximately one month prior to the completion of your studies. Payments are interest-free while you are an active student. All students are automatically eligible for monthly payment plans with no credit check or co-signer required.

Registered Plans

EduPay — Extended Monthly Payment Plan

For students who qualify, monthly payment plans may be extended beyond the end of your student period. Newcomers to Canada can be approved with no Canadian credit history. A credit check is required and some conditions apply.

Student Line of Credit

Most major banks and credit unions offer student lines of credit to finance post-secondary education. For more information please contact your financial institution.

Lifelong Learning Plan

The Canada Revenue Agency Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from your RRSPs to finance your education for you or your spouse (or common-law partner). You may withdraw up to $10,000 per year, and up to a total maximum of $20,000.

Registered Educations Savings Plans

Students who have been named a beneficiary under a family member’s Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) may use funds from the RESP to finance their education at triOS. For more information, please contact the financial institution holding the RESP.

Employer And Union-Sponsored Education Programs

Some employers and unions provide education assistance and tuition reimbursement programs for employees and children of employees. Check with your employer, or your parent’s employer(s), to see if they offer any education assistance or tuition reimbursement programs that you may qualify for.

Out Of Province Students

Financial assistance may be available for out of province students who qualify. For more information fill out the Form Now !

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

A government-approved loan that will help you pay your tuition fees. Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify. For more information fill out the Form Now !

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why choose triOS?

    With our continuous intake model you don’t need to wait until September to start training toward a career you love. Our classes are four hours per day, five days a week. With that kind of dependable schedule, many of our students choose to work part-time while they study. Our students’ goals and commitments are at the centre of everything we do. At triOS, we want to make sure that you’re comfortable with your schedule, your learning environment, and the outcome that is promised to you after you graduate. And that’s exactly why we’ve created a learning experience that puts your priorities and needs first. Take advantage of half-day classes, modular learning, job placement assistance and more when you enroll in your chosen program!

  • How to apply?

    triOS has dedicated Education Specialists to help you through your application process. Learn how you can apply to your preferred program, how you can book a campus tour, and what financial aid services are available for you! Apply today and start an educational journey that is tailored to your needs. Fill Out the Form on this page and get started!

  • How long does it take to complete a program?

    Our programs are tailor made to make the most efficient use of your time. We design programs to ensure that you are the most job ready as possible without sacrificing important learning methods required to get you ready. Some programs can be completed in as little as 19 weeks. However most of them are between 12 to 14 months.

  • What career services do you offer to students?

    At triOS, your success is our success. That means that we want to get you the job just as badly as you want to land it! One of our Employment Specialists will work with you to ensure that you have all the required professional skills you need to land the opportunities that are right for you. We provide the training and experience that is necessary for you to create the career that you have always wanted. When you graduate from triOS, you will be ready to pursue your dreams!


Campus Locations


    425 Bloor Street East, Suite 200,
    Toronto, ON, M4W 3R4


    7610 Tecumseh Road,
    East Windsor, ON, N8T 1E9


    161 Greenbank Rd., Suite 201,
    Nepean, ON, K2H 5V6


    520 First Street, Unit 1,
    London, ON, N5V 3C6


    235 King Street,
    East Kitchener ON, N2G 4N5


    252 Queen Street,
    East Brampto, ON, L6V 1C1


    4 Hughson Street South, Suite 500,
    Hamilton, ON, L8N 3Z1


    100 City Centre Drive, Unit 1-1001
    Mississauga, ON, L5B 2C9


    413 Linwell Road
    St. Catharines, ON, L2M 7Y2